My Selection savings plan is the right choice if you wish to:

Increase the value of your money in the long term by investing in several subfunds of your choice at the same time. Every month, you can put aside the amount of your choice (starting at EUR 30).

The benefits of going for fund packages

You choose your own amount

The lowest and the highest monthly contributions are EUR 30 and EUR 400, respectively.


Through monthly payments, you reduce the risk of entering a capital market at an inappropriate moment.

Temporary freezing

You may decide at any time to temporarily freeze monthly payments, or increase/decrease the amount of contributions.

Several funds at the same time

 To diversify your portfolio and increase its long-term stability, your money will be distributed among the subfunds chosen by the investor.

Easy payment methods

Payments are carried out automatically through SEPA direct debit so you have nothing to worry about.


The investor choose the number and proportion of the subfunds in the savings plan at any time, according to your goals and market situation.

Access to your money

You can withdraw your savings (completely or partially) at any time.

Consult our expert

Tell us about your wishes, the acceptable risk level, the amount you would like to invest, and the time period of investment. Based on that and together with you, we can compose a portfolio of funds or prepare a savings plan.

Želim naročiti pristopno izjavo
Minimum monthly contribution:30 EUR
Payment method:Payments are carried out automatically through SEPA direct debit
Entry charge:Levied according to the scale of entry charges
Exit charge:None
  • Recommended savings period:
  • 5 years or more

Access to
your money




* Performance is not guaranteed, and may be higher or lower than estimated.

Design your own My Selection savings plan – step by step


Investor profile

It is recommended that you choose a subfund structure that fits your investor profile.

When identifying your investor profile, you should take into account your subjective risk appetite and your objective risk-bearing capacity.

Complete the questionnaire and find out about your investor profile




Conservative profile
Recommended exposure to equity subfunds for the conservative profile is between 0% and 40%, and recommended exposure to money market and bond subfunds is between 60% and 100%.

Balanced profile
Recommended exposure to equity subfunds for the balanced profile is between 30% and 70%, and recommended exposure to money market and bond subfunds is between 30% and 70%.

Dynamic profile
Recommended exposure to equity subfunds for the conservative profile is between 60% and 100%, and recommended exposure to money market and bond subfunds is between 0% and 40%.

You choose your own subfund combination in the My Selection savings plan. We recommend that you take into account the type of investor you are and what risk you are willing to take.


Examples of the My Selection structure

View investment profiles with different combinations of subfunds and their risk levels*.


How much of a decline in asset value over a one-year period would you be willing to accept?
10 %

30 %

Generali MM

25 %

Generali Bond

25 %

Generali Corporate Bonds

20 %

Generali Galileo


How much of a decline in asset value over a one-year period would you be willing to accept?
Up to 30 %

30 %

Generali MM

30 %

Generali Bond

25 %

Generali First Selection

5 %

Generali New Markets

5 %

Generali Technology

5 %

Generali Rastko Europe


How much of a decline in asset value over a one-year period would you be willing to accept?
Above 30 %

15 %

Generali MM

15 %

Generali Bond

30 %

Generali America

20 %

Generali Rastko Europe

5 %

Generali Technology

10 %

Generali New Markets

5 %

Generali India - China

*The synthetic risk and reward indicator shows the relationship between the risk and potential return of your investment in the subfund. It is based on fluctuations in the fund’s unit value (UV) over the last five years.

Historical data, such as is used in calculating the synthetic indicator, may not be a reliable indication of the future risk profile of the subfund. The risk and reward category shown is not guaranteed to remain unchanged and the categorisation of the subfund may shift over time. A lower category on the scale does not mean a risk-free investment.

The My Selection fund package is a savings option with single contributions made to the package account via SEPA direct debits and allocated into the Generali Umbrella Fund subfunds. Each contribution is distributed to any number and share of subfunds chosen by the investor, with each subfund share rounded to a whole number. Entry charges are levied according to the scale of entry charges applicable to single payments. No exit charges apply.

For more information consult Generali Umbrella Fund and its 16 subfunds are managed by Generali Investments – Management company LLC, Dunajska cesta 63, Ljubljana.

The printed versions of the Umbrella Fund Prospectus including the Management Rules, the Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs) of the subfunds and the most recently published audited annual and semi-annual reports of the Umbrella Fund in Slovenian are available to investors free of charge at the Management Company’s headquarters and subscription offices, and online at Past performance of investing in a fund is not an indication of its future performance. Variations in fund unit values largely depend on the situation in capital markets. As unit values may grow or fall, future returns can either be higher or lower than past returns. There is a likelihood that investors may not be repaid all assets invested in a subfund during the saving period. Fund prices are published in the daily newspapers Delo, Dnevnik, Finance and Večer. Up to 100% of assets of Generali Bond and Generali MM subfunds may be invested in bonds and/or money market instruments of a single issuer being a state, a local or regional community or an international organization. At least 90% of assets of Generali First Selection are placed in units of other funds.

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** Performance is not guaranteed, and may be higher or lower than estimated.


Change and adjust your goals

During the investment period, you can change the composition and shares of the subfunds at any time and adapt them to your goals, wishes or market situation.

Consult our expert

Tell us about your wishes, the acceptable risk level, the amount you would like to invest, and the time period of investment. Based on that and together with you, we can compose a portfolio of funds or prepare a savings plan.

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