Notice of change in the ownership structure

Generali Investments, družba za upravljanje, d. o. o. (Generali Investments, Management Company LLC), Dunajska 63, Ljubljana, the manager of the Generali Umbrella Fund, on the basis of Article 214 of the Investment Funds and Management Companies Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 31/15, as amended), informs investors about the merger of the insurance companies Generali zavarovalnica d. d. and Adriatic Slovenica d. d. of 3.1.2020, conducted as a merger by absorption of Adriatic Slovenica d. d. by Generali d. d.

By virtue of the merger, Generali zavarovalnica d. d. became the holder of the 100% interest in Generali Investments d. o. o. and thus the direct holder of a qualifying holding in Generali Investments d. o. o., whilst Adriatic Slovenica d. d. ceased to be the holder of a direct qualifying holding in Generali Investments d. o. o.

Investors may request additional information by sending an e-mail to

Generali Investments, družba za upravljanje, d. o. o.
Management Board